As Nivylen bases significantly differ regarding their mechanical and thermal properties to common polyethylene bases and service machines also differ a lot, the optimal machinery parameters are to evaluate by professionals only on their machinery. The nivylen bases can be grinded in common ways in general, but a strong cooling (ideal water temperatures <10°C/50°F) and a pressure, speed and feed control dependent on the present machinery can be neccessary, as the bases build up stronger temperatures by their grinding, due to their superior toughness and hardness.
A sharp abrasive (stone or belt) is benefiting.
Temperatures rising close to the melting range (>145°C) are to avoid.
After the grinding the bases have to be hot waxed, to saturate the micro pores deeply with wax, therfore a wax Iron temperature between 130°C and 140°C is ideal. If you are not sure how to hot wax your wintersport gear contact your wax dealer or service professional.
Hot waxing is recommended with common hot waxes preferrably from our Nivylen aligned Kandahar Skiwaxes, see
For further detailed recommendations based on the test results of the leading grinding machinery producers Wintersteiger, Montana and Reichmann, please contact us.
Felix Material Science GmbH
Walter-Siegfried-Str. 9
82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Telefon: +49 8821 752332+49 8821 752332
Fax: +49 8821 752296
For any requests please contact us!